

Thomas E. Pinkerton, PE is licensed in the States of California, Arizona, Texas, and Nebraska.

Fehr Engineering Company, Inc. provides complete electrical systems planning, design, construction documents, estimating, and construction support services for all types of facilities including commercial, educational, government, industrial, institutional, medical, recreational and residential.


Project Management

Each project is assigned to one of our Project Managers who oversees the project from inception through construction and final inspection. The assigned manager is responsible for all coordination efforts, field work, production of design documents, writing of specifications, cost estimating and schedule control for the project.


Construction Documents

While the real value of our efforts is in the engineering, we also place a strong emphasis on the accuracy, readability and clarity of our drawings. Well-defined construction documents result in highly competitive bids from qualified contractors who recognize that they will not be faced with the hidden costs inherent in an inaccurate or incomplete set of bid documents. To this end, completed project construction documents are given a final in-house plan check and any necessary adjustments are made before the documents are released.



Specifications for each project are developed by the Project Manager through modifications to our CSI formatted office standard specifications. Fehr Engineering Company, Inc. specifications are available in hard and electronic files.


Cost Estimates

Project cost estimates are prepared in-house by the Project Manager following standard office formats. In preparing budgetary and preliminary estimates, actual costs of previously completed similar projects - adjusted for current market conditions - are utilized whenever possible. Final construction cost estimates are prepared using methods similar to those used by contractors. Unit prices are continuously updated through information obtained from contractors, manufacturers, and suppliers. Labor man-hours are derived from contractor input, MEANS and the NECA labor unit manual, and are adjusted for specific project conditions. Additionally, actual bids are reviewed against our cost estimates to insure cost data remains current.



We maintain a fully operational AutoCAD 2010 System consisting of two workstations on a Microsoft Small Business Network System. Our system has a large and constantly growing library of standards and details.